Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!
Thanks to my Pinterest addiction I have found the absolute cutest Valentine's Day hairstyle for my little girl!
I know. I know...it looks soooo complicated and you may be thinking 'umm does this crazy woman actually think i have time in the morning to turn my kids hair into hearts?' Well I am here to tell you that yes you do!!! I seriously did this style in under 10 minutes, that includes finding the supplies and taking pictures for you to see! I did not even practice this before doing it! I watched the video tutorial on this awesome site yesterday Adopt'a Do and at exactly 7:34 this morning began brushing my little ones hair, only to have this masterpiece that is guaranteed to get ooohs and aaaahs all day long just 10 minutes later! I promise there was no screaming or yelling at her to stay still and definitely no do-overs, I actually got it on the first try with NO DRAMA (a rarity in this house if you didn't happen to catch my blog title)!!!!!!
Ok so here is the one caveat (sorry moms) you have to have one of those doohicky things called a Topsy Tail Tool. I happen to have one that my mother gave me when my oldest was born. So why, do you ask, did I hold onto a potentially useless piece of plastic for the past 10 years? Well every time I cleaned out that drawer, I put it in the trash. But I always went back and rescued it because you see, like many mommies of girls I dreamed of the day when I would be making gorgeous hair styles on my little angels. Well, my first born only had a halo that first year, she literally had red peach fuzz until she was nearly a year old! When her hair finally began to grow, the dreaded hair-curse from my husbands family made the growing so slow she was 5 years old before I could do anything with it!! Oh and what did grow was so damn fine all manner of barrette or bow would just slip out. I should have invented those Velcro baby bows, I certainly had enough inspiration, too bad my inner entrepreneur sleeps late!
Anyhoo, just as that baby fine hair started to change into a thick mane of brushable auburn hair, she decides that no, she is definitely not a girly-girl! And while I am totally cool with that, her idea of hair 'style' is anything that isn't pinned, pulled, pony-ed, bowed or banded. Sigh. Well, my dreams of gorgeous hair styles is starting to become a reality because this year, my second born at 6 has begun to grow out of that baby fine hair! She is more the diva type and likes that her mamma so desperately wants to play with her locks. YAY!
OK back to this awesome do...so let's say you are not a beauty school dropout or even just a poser hair stylist like me, you can pick up one of those doohicky thingys called a Topsy Tail Tool or Mindy even tells you how to make one right here on her blog! Honestly though, I would bet that you could pull this style off using a drinking straw taped in a loop...hmmm damn inner entrepreneur always late to the table!!
Happy Hair Hearting!!!
OK so that's my first post, be sure to check back for some more cool stuff I find on the web that just maybe I should have invented myself!!!


  1. Impressed Sista, with the hair and even more with your first blog! You write like a professional not a 3rd grader like your little sister. Love ya! Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Great post Tammy! Question about the hair - two of my girls have extremely thick hair. Will this work for them?

  3. Janet I definitely think this would work for your girls. I think the key would be to twist super tight! If you try it pls share a picture!!!

  4. Yay! The blog we've all been waiting for is here! Awesome first post. Can't wait for the next one :-)


  5. Finally my dramamama friend makes her debut! Bravo!
    Can't wait to see your next post :-)
