Saturday, March 17, 2012

Irish I Had A Beer

Contrary to my wonderful morning on Valentines Day, I sooo needed a beer after yesterday's hair debacle!  I should have known I would need the Luck of the Irish to pull off another awesome hair-do (say this next part in a sarcastic voice plz) "in no time at all and with absolutely no drama whatsoever"!  First the bathroom vanity is being replaced so all hair goodies are screwed up in a massive pile in the closet and I could not locate the bands I needed.  Afterwards it looked like a Claire's tornado ran through the bathroom, hair ties, clips, feathers, bows, EVERYWHERE!  I mean it people,  I was actually tossing things over my shoulder onto the floor just looking for the stuff I needed!!!   Second I could not find the green ribbon I had planned in my head to use so the white one had to work.  And then the first attempt looked like total garbage so I had to take it out and start over.  All this while my oldest is telling me  "We're gonna be late, we're gonna be late, we are definitely late!!"  and the subject of my creation is crying "Owwww, Ow, that hurts!" while not. staying. still. at. all!!!  And when I suggested we just throw in the towel, she freaked, "NOOOO I want a shamrock in my hair!!!!!"  Go ahead, laugh at me I don't blame you at all!

In the end I got it done, even took a picture (I mean I needed it for the blog).  We were definitely late for school too but not late enough that the girls needed to get an office pass.  If you decide to do this pretty 'do in your daughter's hair today you will get tons of oohs and aahs for sure.  It really is soooo cute!  I do however suggest you, ahem, PRACTICE and also check out the original blog Adopt a 'Do which has awesome instructions and tons of other ideas for lucky hair 'dos. 

My niece told me that for Easter I should do a hair egg (all I could think of was Lady GaGa) I laughed and told her no I don't think so, I've learned my limitations...wait,

Oh. My. Gawd!
photo cred : Adopt a 'Do Egg Tails

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Feeling Phat

I'm waiting for my daughter to finish up dance class yesterday and the lovely woman next to me starts talking to another mom in the waiting area. 

Mom1: "I saw Shelly the other day, she looks great!" 
Mom2:  "I know!  She said she is working out all the time."
Mom1:  "She really has slimmed down alot, I am so happy for her"

This relatively innocuous conversation makes me feel totally self conscious.  I know it sounds sooo very shallow because my being there had absolutely nothing to do with this discussion in any way.  It is just that sometimes being in the vicinity of a conversation like this makes me think that these ladies might be trying to send me a message! 

Wow, I just read that back.  Talk about paranoid!!!  I mean sure, I want to get rid of some weight (don't say lose, cause i don't want it back - yucka yucka).   And I definitely hate feeling uncomfortable in situations like this because usually I am a pretty confident, sort of funny, outgoing kind of gal and I really do like Me.  I just wish that I was in better shape. 

So after that little moment I see this pin which made me LOL and this post was born! 

How awesome?  Since I did not come up with that little piece of wit myself somebody else out there feels the same way as I do! Wahoo! I am not alone!!  Don't many of us wish we had made it to the gym today?  Hell I could just go for a walk or start Insanity or P90x...OK even I couldn't keep a straight face for that last one.  I have seen P90x on YouTube and I break a sweat just watching from the comfort of my couch.  Not that there is anything wrong with P90x, I have a friend who did it for a while and she got a smoking body out of it. 

I have the best intentions.  I know all the tricks for putting myself first; scheduling gym time, getting a work out buddy, etc.   Life just gets in my way.  OK plus I'm lazy soooo that doesn't really help.

I have a mom friend whom I idolize...she has 4 kids and gets to the gym for a run EVERY SINGLE DAY!  I have 2 kids and they are both in school all day, I don't even walk the dog...what the hell?!  This friend not only has two school age kids, but also a preschooler PLUS a baby who is under 1 and she looks great!  I can't even claim to be losing the 'baby weight' anymore because my youngest is SIX YEARS OLD!  I love this woman's commitment and stamina!  I think I might have a girl crush on her.

So I have to get started doing something.  Maybe I'll walk or run.  I used to run, I loved running.  Many people hate running but I loved that endorphin kick.  Now I get that kick from a piece of good chocolate or a caramel macchiato, skinny please!  When I see people running on a beautiful day like today I look at them with envy.  I want that feeling again...gotta go dig my running shoes out of the back of my closet.  What?  Oh, that was just my knees screaming in fear.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Soapbox

This is not a funny or lighthearted post about life with me poking fun at myself or my crazy family.  This is not a political statement.  This is just a mom telling you how moved she was by this video.  I simply cannot stomach what is being done to these families, these children...these poor children.  I agree with the principle of this movement, it is clear that we must do something, hell should have DONE something already!  There is this very simple yet powerful statement by Rep. Susan Davis at the 18:10 mark that is just banging around in my head! "No child should live in fear of being abducted and killed".  No dammit, no they should not!  Ugh it makes my heart break!!!  OK so please take the 30 minutes to watch this video and act if you feel compelled to but please pray for the children who have been taken and those who have suffered and those who fear for their lives.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Art Imitates Life?

My 6 year old attended an awesome artsy birthday party this weekend.  At one point they were given 2 different colors of crayola model magic and they were instructed to create anything they wanted with it.  My daughter got red and yellow clay and when it was time for pizza she came running out to me, inspired project in hand...

J:     "Look Mom, look what I made!"
Me: "Ummmm, Wow!  Can you tell me what it is?"
J:     "Duh Mom, it's a SKYSCRAPER!"

Yup, and I had the honor of holding it for the rest of the birthday party too.